Use the following Text to Speech Engines:


Work on any platform with SSML: Visually

Our easy to use editor allows you to add text, highlight and apply different SSML treatments to parts of your TTS. The player also allows you to see the waveform for your text.

be global

Speak in over 150 languages

Leverage the speech resources of some of the worlds largest tech companies. Voxabot dynamically updates to support any language in the Google, Azure, and AWS TTS engines–this means over 150 languages and dialects as well as different speakers for each–over 820 voices. Plus our connections to the engines automatically update when they do.

Full of Features

Connect to 3 APIs with a single login

Don’t worry about maintaining three sets of credentials when you can use ours instead.

Visually see your edits

Highlight and select parts of your text that you want to get special treatment. Easily see nested tags and overlapping sections. Apply code without having to type a single < !

Download your SSML to use anywhere

After you build your SSML file–just click the Export button and the SSML will be saved as a simple text file ready for any interface/bot/IDE/etc.

Load your SSML from other places

Don’t have a Microsoft Azure subscription, want to hear your speech in another engine which you aren’t connected to? Use Voxabot and load your code and pick the engine and voice of your liking.

Neural TTS for the same cost as clunky TTS

We don’t differentiate between the better and more expensive Neural TTS offerings vs the older and cheaper “basic” TTS. Use the best pay the same price.

Royalty Indepence

No additional fees for uses such as advertising or marketing. You own your creation and we don’t even keep a copy of it.

Neural Text To Speech without additional cost

Start Speaking

Sing up today and start making state of the art synthetic speech.